


Essential technical tips for STAP cell conversion culture from somatic cells
Haruko Obokata,
Yoshiki Sasai
& Hitoshi Niwa
Journal name:
Protocol Exchange
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Published online

Haruko Obokata,
Yoshiki Sasai
& Hitoshi Niwa
Journal name:
Protocol Exchange
Year published:
Published online



Stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency (STAP) is a cellular reprogramming phenomenon that was recently reported in two papers (Obokata, Nature, 2014a,b). In this reprogramming process, upon strong external stimuli, neonatal somatic cells are converted into cells that express pluripotency-related genes, such as Oct3/4, and acquire the ability to differentiate into derivatives of all three germ layers in vitro and in vivo. These cells, termed STAP cells, can contribute to chimeric fetuses after blastocyst injection. Moreover, in the blastocyst injection assay, injected STAP cells are also found in extra-embryonic tissues, such as placenta.

刺激惹起性多能性獲得(STAP)は最近2つの論文で報告された細胞の再プログラミング現象である (Obokata, Nature, 2014a,b)。この再プログラミングプロセスでは、強力な外部刺激に応じて、新生児の体細胞が、Oct3/4のような多能性関連遺伝子を発現し、体外体内および体内で、三胚葉すべての派生物に分化する能力を獲得した細胞に変換される。、STAP細胞と定義されたこれらの細胞は胚盤胞注入後にキメラ胎児に寄与することができる。それにとどまらず、胚盤胞注入試験において、注入されSTAP細胞はまた胎盤などの胚の外部組織においても見出される。

STAP cells derived from neonatal somatic cells are thus fully reprogrammed to as state of pluripotency. In the conditions for the establishment of STAP cells, their proliferative capacity is quite limited, distinct from that of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). STAP cells can be further converted into two types of proliferative cell lines: STAP stem cells and FGF4-induced stem cells (FI stem cells). STAP stem cells, which are converted from STAP cells in ACTH-containing medium (see Procedure), lose the ability to contribute to extra-embryonic tissues. FI stem cells, which are generated from STAP cells in FGF4-containing medium, in contrast retain the capacity to contribute to both embryonic and extra-embryonic lineages in blastocyst injection assay, although their embryonic contribution is relatively low.

新生児の体細胞に由来するSTAP細胞はこのように多能性状態に完全に再プログラムされている。 STAP細胞の樹立のための条件下では、それらの増殖能力は、胚性幹細胞(ESCs)のものとは異なり、非常に制限されている。 STAP細胞はさらに二つのタイプ増殖性細胞株に変換することができる。STAP幹細胞およびFGF4誘発性幹細胞(FI幹細胞)である。ACTH含有培地の中で(手順参照)、STAP細胞から変換されたSTAP幹細胞は、胚の外部組織に貢献する能力を失う。FGF4含有培地中の中でSTAP細胞から生成されたFI幹細胞は、それらの胚への寄与は比較的低いが、胚盤胞注入検査で、胚および胚の外部系統の両方に貢献する能力を保持する。

The STAP phenomenon induced by external stimuli, thus potentially sheds new light on our understanding of pluripotency and differentiation in mammalian cells. This unforeseen phenomenon can be triggered in neonatal hematopoietic cells, for instance, by transient exposure to low-pH solution. Despite its seeming simplicity, this procedure requires special care in cell handling and culture conditions, as well as in the choice of the starting cell population. The delivery of the optimal level of sublethal stress to cells is essential to the process of STAP cell induction. From our experience, STAP conversion is reproducibly seen with culture conditions in which most cells survive for one day after low-pH treatment, and in which up to 80% of the initial cell number subsequently die at around days 2–3. Control of the pH of the solution is not the only key factor; the delayed onset of sublethal stress is also critically important.


This biological context can also be affected by many other factors. For example, somatic cell preparation and cell handling before and after the exposure to stress must be done with care, as additional damage to the cells may alter the level of stress, causing excessive cell death or insufficient triggering. The types of cells used for STAP conversion are also critical, and the use of cells from other sources (e.g., the use of cultured fibroblasts after passaging) may also result a failure to achieve STAP conversion. We have reproducibly observed STAP cell conversion when proper procedures are followed in the correct sequence.


To facilitate the broad testing and use of this technique, we are now preparing a full protocol article with step-by-step instructions. However, as the preparation, submission and publication of a full manuscript takes a significant amount of time, we would like to share a number of technical tips for STAP cell conversion culture (and related experiments) in this Protocol Exchange. We hope that these technical tips may answer many questions frequently asked about the experimental details.

この技術の広範なテストと使用を容易にするために我々は今、ステップバイステップ手順の完全なプロトコル論文を準備中です。しかしながら、完全な原稿の作成、提出、公表にはかなりの時間がかかるので、我々は、このProtocol ExchangeでSTAP細胞の変換培養(および関連の実験)のための多くの技術的な秘訣を共有したいと思います。我々はこれらの技術的な秘訣が実験の詳細についてしばしば問われる多くの質問に答えることになることを願っています。

Tissue collection and low-pH treatment
1. To isolate CD45+ haematopoietic cells, spleens were excised from 1-week-old Oct4-gfp mice (unless specified otherwise), minced by scissors, and mechanically dissociated using a Pasteur pipette.
(i) Adherent cells should be dissociated into single cells, either mechanically or enzymatically (by trypsin or collagenase). For the tissues described in Fig. 3a (Obokata et al. Nature, 2014a), muscle, adipose tissue and fibroblasts were enzymatically dissociated, whereas others were mechanically dissociated.
(ii) Primary cells should be used. We have found that it is difficult to reprogram mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) that have been expanded in vitro, while fresh MEF are competent.
(iii) For the experiments reported, we used a Oct-3/4-EGFP transgenic mouse line (Ohbo et al, Dev Biol, 2003; Yoshimizu et al, Dev Growth Differ, 1999), which is maintained by the RIKEN Bioresource Center as GOF18-GFP line11 transgenic mouse (B6;B6D2-Tg(GOF18/EGFP)11/Rbrc). Homozygotes of the transgene were used for the live imaging to obtain the enhanced signal.
(iv) Cells from mice older than one week showed very poor reprogramming efficiency under the current protocol. Cells from male animals showed higher efficiency than those from female.

1. CD45陽性造血細胞を単離するために、1週齢のOct4-GFPマウス(特に指定のない限り)から脾臓が摘出され、ハサミによりミンチされ、そして機械的にパスツールピペットを用いて分離される。
(i) 接着細胞は機械的または酵素的に(トリプシンまたはコラゲナーゼにより)単一細胞に解離されなければならない。図3a (Obokata et al. Nature, 2014a)で説明されている組織のうち、他の細胞が機械的に解離させられたのに対して、筋肉、脂肪組織および線維芽細胞は酵素的に解離させられている。
(iii) 報告されている実験のために、我々は、理化学研究所バイオリソースセンターによってGOF18-GFP株11トランスジェニックマウス(B6;B6D2-Tg(GOF18/EGFP)11/Rbrc)として維持されている、Oct-3/4-EGFPトランスジェニックマウス株を使っている(Ohbo et al, Dev Biol, 2003; Yoshimizu et al, Dev Growth Differ, 1999)。導入遺伝子のホモ接合体は、強化された信号を得るため、ライブイメージング用に使用されている。

2. Dissociated spleen cells were suspended with PBS and strained through a cell strainer (BD Biosciences 352340).
3. After centrifuging at 1,000 rpm for 5 min, collected cells were re-suspended in DMEM medium and added to the same volume of lympholyte (Cedarlane), and then centrifuged at 1,000 g for 20 min.
(i) The purity of the starting cells is important for achieving STAP conversion. For lymphocytes, contamination with red blood cells may inhibit the reprogramming event. When using adherent cells, the presence of extracellular matrix may interfere with reprogramming.
(ii) Alternatively, red blood cells may be removed by suspension of the cell pellet in 1.8 ml of H2O (Sigma W3500). After 30 seconds, add 0.2 ml of 10× PBS (Gibco 70011-044), followed by 3 ml of 1× PBS (Gibco 10010-023), and strain the cell suspension through a cell strainer.

2. 解離脾臓細胞をPBS<リン酸緩衝生理食塩水 Phosphate buffered saline>で懸濁し、細胞濾過器(BD Biosciences社352340)で漉した。
3. 1000回転/分で5分間遠心分離した後、回収した細胞をDMEM培地<ダルベッコ変法イーグル培地 Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium>に再懸濁し、同じ体積のヒトリンパ球分離性溶液<lympholyt>(セダレーン社)を添加し、次いで20分間1000gで遠心分離した。
(ii)代替手段として1.8 mlの水(シグマ社W3500)の中に細胞ペレットを懸濁することによって赤血球を除去してもよい。30秒後に、10倍濃度のPBS<リン酸緩衝生理食塩水>(ギブコ社70011-044)を0.2mlを、続いて1倍濃度のPBS(ギブコ社10010-023)3mlを加えて、細胞濾過器を通して細胞懸濁液を濾過する。

4. The lymphocyte layer was isolated and stained with CD45 antibody (Abcam ab25603). CD45+ cells were sorted by FACS Aria (BD Biosciences).
(i) FACS sorting can be an important step for the confirmation of cell purity, but can affect both cell viability and reprogramming efficiency. Skipping this step may increase reprograming efficiency, although this may result in a reduction in confidence in cell identity.
5. After cell sorting, 1 × 106 CD45+ cells were treated with 500  µl of low-pH HBSS solution (titrated to pH 5.7 by HCl) for 25 min at 37°C, and then centrifuged at 1,000 rpm at room temperature for 5 min.
(i) The buffering action of HBSS is weak, so carry-over of the solution may affect pH. Please adjust pH to 5.7 in cell suspension by the following method. First, suspend the cell pellet with 494 µl of HBSS pre-chilled at 4°C, then add 6 µl of diluted HCl (10 µl of 35% HCl in 590 µl of HBSS) to adjust to a final pH of 5.7. Please confirm the final pH in a pilot experiment, and optimize the volume of HCl added, as necessary. Alternatively, suspend the cell pellet in HBSS-pH 5.4 pre-chilled at 4°C.
(ii) The HBSS we used is Ca2+/Mg2+ free (Gibco 14170-112).
(iii) Incubate the cells suspended in HBSS in a CO2 incubator.
(iv) Cell viability is a critical parameter in this step. Under optimal conditions, massive cell death is observed at two days after plating, as shown in Figure 1d (Obokata et al. Nature, 2014a).
(v) If you find massive cell death at one day after plating, it may be ameliorated by shortening the incubation period with low-pH HBSS solution to 15 min.

4. リンパ球層を単離し、CD45抗体(Abcam社のab25603)で染色した。 CD45+細胞をFACSアリア(BD Biosciences社)によって選別した。
(i) FACSソーティングは細胞の純度を確保するための重要なステップであり得るが、細胞の生存率と初期化効率の両方に影響を与えうる。細胞出自の信頼性を減少させるかもしれないが、このステップをスキップすると初期化効率を高めることができる。
5. 細胞選別後、100万個のCD45陽性細胞を37℃で25分間、低pH(塩酸によりpHを5.7に滴定)のHBSS<ハンクス平衡塩溶液溶液>500μlで処理し、次いで室温で1000rpmで5分間遠心分離した。
(ii)我々の使用したHBSSはCa2+/Mg2+ free(ギブコ社14170-112)である。
(iv)細胞生存率はこの行程における重要なパラメータである。図1dに示すように、最適な条件下で、大量の細胞死がプレーティング後2日目に観察される (Obokata et al. Nature, 2014a)。

6. After the supernatant (low-pH solution) was removed, precipitated cells were re-suspended and plated onto non-adhesive culture plates (typically, 1×105 cells/ml) in DMEM/F12 medium supplemented with 1,000 U LIF (Sigma) and 2% B27 (Invitrogen).
(i) The use of non-adhesive culture plates is recommended, as the formation of cell clusters is an important step for reprogramming, and the adhesive surface may inhibit cell movement needed to form clusters.
(ii) Cell density is critical, and depends on cell viability. Density should be maintained at 1×105~1×106 cells per cm2 of culture surface.
(iii) B27 (Invitrogen 17504-044) may show variation between batches. Please check the quality by N2B27-2iLIF culture of ES cells.

6. 上澄み(低pH溶液)を除去した後、沈殿細胞を再懸濁し、千U LIF(シグマ社)と2%のB27(インビトロジェン社)を入れたDMEM / F12培地の中の非接着性培養プレートに播種する(通常、10万個細胞/ ml)。
(iii)B27(インビトロジェン社17504-044)は商品バッチ間で違いのあることがある。 ES細胞のN2B27-2iLIF培養によって品質を確認してください。

7. Cell cluster formation was more sensitive to plating cell density than to the percentage of Oct3/4-GFP+ cells. The number of surviving cells was sensitive to the age of donor mice, and was low under the treatment conditions described above when adult spleens were used.
(i) The donor mouse should be 1-week old or younger. Reprogramming efficiency is dramatically reduced using cells from older animals.
(ii) STAP cells are derived from clusters of multiple cells; they are not monoclonal.
8. The addition of LIF during days 2–7 was essential for generating Oct3/4-GFP+ STAP cell clusters on day 7, as shown in Extended Data Fig. 1f (Obokata et al. Nature, 2014a). Even in the absence of LIF, Oct3/4-GFP+ cells (most of which showed dim signals) appeared transiently in low-pH-treated CD45+ cells during days 2–5 of culture, but subsequently disappeared, suggesting that there is a LIF-independent early phase, whereas the subsequent phase is LIF-dependent.
(i) Since LIF is essential for the late step of reprogramming, the reprogramming event may depend on the genetic background. We mainly used 129, C57BL6, or their F1 strains, as all of these genetic backgrounds are associated with high responsiveness to LIF.
The GFP signal is weaker than that of ES cells carrying the same reporter because of the smaller cell volume of STAP cell than ES cell as found in Figure 1g (Obokata et al. Nature, 2014a).

7. 細胞のクラスター形成はOct3/4-GFP陽性細胞のパーセンテージに対してよりも、プレート移植されている細胞密度に対してより敏感であった。生存細胞数はドナーマウスの年齢に敏感であり、成長したマウス脾臓を用いた場合、上述した処理条件下で低かった。
8. 2から7日目のにおけるのLIFの添加は、拡張データ図1fに示すように、7日目のOct3/4-GFP陽性STAP細胞クラスターを生成するために不可欠であった(Obokata et al. Nature, 2014a)。LIFの存在しない場合でも、Oct3/4-GFP陽性細胞(ほとんどが薄暗いシグナルを示したが)は培養2から5日の間に、低pH値で処理したCD45陽性細胞の中に一過的に現れたが、その後に姿を消した。LIF依存の次の段階に対してLIF非依存の初期段階のあることを示唆している。
(ii) GFPシグナルは、同じレポーターを持っているES細胞のそれより弱いが、それは図1gに見られるように、STAP細胞の体積がES細胞よりも小さいためである(Obokata et al. Nature, 2014a)。

  1. 2019/05/14(火) 08:18:47|
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STAP stem-cell conversion culture
1. To establish STAP stem-cell lines, STAP cell clusters were transferred to ACTH-containing medium on MEF feeder cells (several clusters, up to a dozen clusters, per well of 96-well plates).
(i) ACTH (1-24) is available from American Peptide and other companies. We used ACTH synthesized by Kurabo on consignment. The composition of this medium is GMEM, 15% Knockout Serum ReplacementTM (KSR, Invitrogen), 1 × non-essential amino acids (NEAA), 1 × Sodium Pyruvate, 10-4M 2-mercaptoethanol, 1000 U/ml LIF, and 10 µM ACTH . The STAP cell cluster was isolated, dissected into small pieces as in the case of injection into blastocysts as shown in Figure 4a (Obokata et al. Nature, 2014a), and seeded on mouse embryonic fibroblast feeder cells in the ACTH medium.
(ii) ACTH-containing medium was purchased from DS Pharma Biomedical (Osaka, Japan) as StemMedium@.

1. STAP幹細胞株を確立するために、 STAP細胞クラスターはMEFフィーダー細胞上のACTH含有培地に移される。(96ウェルプレートの1ウェルあたり1ダースまでの複数のクラスタ)
(i)ACTH(1-24)は、アメリカンペプチド社および他の会社から入手可能である。我々は委託契約でクラボウによって合成されたACTHを使用していた。この培地の組成は、GMEM、15%ノックアウト血清代替TM(KSR、Invitrogen社)、1×非必須アミノ酸(NEAA)、1×ピルビン酸ナトリウム、10 -4 M2-メルカプトエタノール、1000U / mlのLIF、および10μM ACTHである (Ogawa et al, Genes Cells, 2004)。 STAP細胞のクラスターは図4a (Obokata et al. Nature, 2014a)にしめされた胚盤胞注入の場合のように単離され小片に切開され、ACTH培地中のマウス胚線維芽細胞フィーダー細胞上に播種された。

2. After 4–7 days of culture, the cells were subjected to a first passage using a conventional trypsin method, and the suspended cells were plated in ESC maintenance medium containing 20% FBS.
(i) ESC maintenance medium consists of KnockoutTM DMEM (Life Technologies), 20% FBS, 1 × NEAA, 1 × Glutamine, 1 × Nucleosides, 10-4M 2-mercaptoethanol, and 1000 U/ml LIF.
(ii) FBS lots should be confirmed for suitability for use in the culture of mouse ES cells.
(iii) We have established multiple STAP stem cell lines from STAP cells derived from CD45+ haematopoietic cells. Of eight clones examined, none contained the rearranged TCR allele, suggesting the possibility of negative cell-type-dependent bias (including maturation of the cell of origin) for STAP cells to give rise to STAP stem cells in the conversion process. This may be relevant to the fact that STAP cell conversion was less efficient when non-neonatal cells were used as somatic cells of origin in the current protocol.

2. 培養の4から7日後に、細胞は従来のトリプシン法を使って第一段階に供され、懸濁した細胞を、20%FBS<ウシ胎児血清 fetal bovine serum>を含むES細胞維持培地に蒔種された。
(i)ES細胞維持培地は KnockoutTM DMEM<イーグル最小必須培地>(Life Technologies社)、20%FBS、1×NEAA、1×グルタミン、1×ヌクレオシド、10 -4M 2-メルカプトエタノール及び1000 U/mlのLIFから構成されている。

3. Subsequent passaging was performed at a split ratio of 1:10 every second day until reaching subconfluency. We tested the following three different genetic backgrounds of mice for STAP stem-cell establishment from STAP cell clusters, and observed reproducible establishment: C57BL/6 carrying Oct4-gfp (29 of 29), 129/Sv carrying Rosa26-gfp (2 of 2), and 129/Sv × C57BL/6 carrying cag-gfp (12 of 16). STAP stem cells with all these genetic backgrounds showed chimaera-forming activity.

3. その後の継代はサブコンフルエント(シャーレ一杯になる前)に達するまでの二日置きに、1対10の分割比で行なった。我々はSTAP細胞クラスターからSTAP幹細胞を樹立するために、マウスの以下の3つの異なる遺伝的背景をテストし、再現性の確立を観察した。Oct4-GFP(29の29)を持つC57BL/6、Rosa26-GFP(2の2)をもつ129/ SV、および129/ CAG-GFP(16の12)をもつSV×C57BL/6。すべてのこれらの遺伝的背景を持つSTAP幹細胞はキメラ形成活性を示した。

FI stem cell conversion culture
1. STAP cell clusters were transferred to Fgf4-containing trophoblast stem-cell medium (Tanaka et al, Science, 1998) on MEF feeder cells in 96-well plates (Obokata, Nature, 2014b).
(i) TS medium consists of RPMI 1640 with 20% FBS, 1 mM Sodium Pyruvate, 100 µM 2-mercaptoethanol, 2 mM L-glutamine, 25 ng/ml of recombinant FGF4, and 1 µg/ml of heparin.
(ii) Different lots of FBS may results in significant differences in the behavior of cultured cells.
2. In most cases (40 of 50 experiments), colonies grew in 10–50% of wells in 96-well plates. In a minority of cases (10 of 50 experiments), no colony growth was observed and/or only fibroblast-like cells appeared.
(i) The cells in proliferative colonies also appear similar to fibroblasts, but gradually change morphology, coming to resemble epithelial cells.

1. STAP細胞クラスターがFGF4を含む96ウェルプレート中のMEFフィーダー細胞上のTS細胞<栄養芽層幹細胞>培地 (Tanaka et al, Science, 1998)に移される (Obokata, Nature, 2014b)。
(i)TS培地は20%のFBS<ウシ胎児血清>を含むRPMI1640<ロズウェルパーク記念研究所培地 Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium>、1mMのピルビン酸ナトリウム、100μMの2-メルカプトエタノール、2mMのL-グルタミン、組換えFGF4の25 ng / ml及びヘパリンの1μg/mlで構成されている。
2. ほとんどの場合(50回のうちの40回の実験)、コロニーは96ウェルプレートのウェルの10から50%までに成長した。少数の例(50のうちの10回の実験)では、全くコロニー増殖が観察されずに、かつ/または、わずかの線維芽細胞様細胞が出現した。

3. The cells were subjected to the first passage during days 7–10 using a conventional trypsin method. Subsequent passages were performed at a split ratio of 1:4 every third day before they reached subconfluency.
The cells must not be dissociated completely. Partial dissociation is optimal to maintain viability and self-renewal, as seen in the case of embryo-derived trophoblast stem cells.

3. 細胞を従来のトリプシン法を用いて7-10日間の最初の継代に供した。それらがサブコンフルエントに達する前に3日おきに4対1の分割比でその後の継代を行った。
(i) 細胞は完全に解離されてはいけない。胚由来のトロホブラスト幹細胞の場合に見られるように、部分的な解離が生存能力および自己再生を維持するのに最適である。

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Tanaka, S., Kunath, T., Hadjantonakis, A. K., Nagy, A. & Rossant, J. 『FGF4<線維芽細胞増殖因子>によるTS細胞増殖の推進』 Science 282, 2072–2075 (1998)

Associated Publications
This protocol is related to the following articles:
Stimulus-triggered fate conversion of somatic cells into pluripotency
Haruko Obokata, Teruhiko Wakayama, Yoshiki Sasai, Koji Kojima, Martin P. Vacanti, Hitoshi Niwa, Masayuki Yamato, and Charles A. Vacanti
Journal title
641 - 647
Publication date

Haruko Obokata, Teruhiko Wakayama, Yoshiki Sasai, Koji Kojima, Martin P. Vacanti, Hitoshi Niwa, Masayuki Yamato, and Charles A. Vacanti
Journal title
641 - 647
Publication date

Bidirectional developmental potential in reprogrammed cells with acquired pluripotency
Haruko Obokata, Yoshiki Sasai, Hitoshi Niwa, Mitsutaka Kadota, Munazah Andrabi, Nozomu Takata, Mikiko Tokoro, Yukari Terashita, Shigenobu Yonemura, Charles A. Vacanti, and Teruhiko Wakayama
Journal title
676 - 680
Publication date

Haruko Obokata, Yoshiki Sasai, Hitoshi Niwa, Mitsutaka Kadota, Munazah Andrabi, Nozomu Takata, Mikiko Tokoro, Yukari Terashita, Shigenobu Yonemura, Charles A. Vacanti, and Teruhiko Wakayama
Journal title
677 - 680
Publication date

Author Information
1. Laboratory for Cellular Reprogramming, RIKEN CDB
Haruko Obokata
2. Laboratory for Organogenesis and Neurogenesis, RIKEN CDB
Yoshiki Sasai
3. Laboratory for Pluripotent Stem Cell Studies, RIKEN CDB
Hitoshi Niwa
Competing financial interests
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Corresponding author
Correspondence to:
Hitoshi Niwa (niwa@cdb.riken.jp)

Hitoshi Niwa (niwa@cdb.riken.jp)

  1. 2019/05/14(火) 08:24:42|
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