



3.1序論 - 48
3.2実験 - 48
3.2.1試験管内での細胞の分化能 - 48
3.2.2生体内での分化能 - 48
3.3結果 - 49
3.3.1試験管内での細胞の分化能 - 50
3.3.2生体内での細胞の分化能 - 51
3.4第三章のまとめ - 51
3.5討論 - 51
3.6参照 - 58


3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Differentiation potential of stem cells
One of definitions of stem cells is multidifferentiation potential. Also the degree of their stemness is determined by their differentiation potential. According to results of section 2, sphere forming cells expressed pluripotent cell markers. Therefore in this section, we aimed to confirm their differentiation potential in vivo and in vitro.

3. 小細胞の分化能<訳注:目次では3. Characterization of small cellsとなっているので、小保方さんがいろいろと編集中であることがわかる。これを見て草稿だと気づけない頭というのもどうなのか。>

3.1 序論
3.1.1 幹細胞の分化能

3.2 Experimental<→Experiment>
3.2.1 In vitro Differentiation Assays.
In vitro differentiation assays were examined following the published differentiation culture conditions for murin ES cells.
Mesoderm lineage differentiation assay. Dissociated muscle cells were stained with anti-αmooth muscle actin antibody, anti-Myosin antibody and anti-Desmin antibody. Chondrocyte were stained with Safranin-0 and Fast Green. Osteocytes were stained with ALIZARIN RED S. After 21 days, adipocytes were stained with Oil Re 0.
Ectoderm lineage (Neural lineage) differentiation assay. Cells were plated on ortinin-coated chamber slides and incubated with anti-βIII Tubuin mouse monoclonal, anti-O4 mouse monoclonal antibody and anti-GFAP mouse monoclonal antibody.
Endoderm lineage (Hepatic) differentiation assay. Differentiated cells were detected by immunohistochemistory using anti-αfetoprotein mouse monoclonal antibody, anti-Albumin goat polyclonal antibody and anti-Cytokeratin 18 mouse monoclonal antibody. Results from immunohistochemistry were confirmed by RT-PCR.

3.2 実験
3.2.1 試験管内分化実験<訳注:目次では3.2.1 Differentiation potential of cells in vitroとなっているので、小保方さんがいろいろと編集中であることがわかる。これを見て草稿だと気づけない頭というのもどうなのか。>
中胚葉系統分化検査。解離された筋細胞は anti-αmooth muscle actin 抗体、anti-Myosin 抗体 及び anti-Desmin 抗体で染色された。軟骨細胞はSafranin-0および Fast Greenで染色された。骨細胞はALIZARIN RED Sで染色された。21日後に脂肪細胞をOil Re 0で染色した。
外胚葉系統(神経系統)分化検査。細胞はortininコーティングされたチャンバースライド上に播種され、anti-βIII Tubuin mouse monoclonal、anti-O4 mouse monoclonal antibody及びanti-GFAP mouse monoclonal antibodyで培養された。
内胚葉系統(肝)分化検査。分化した細胞はanti-αfetoprotein mouse monoclonal antibody、anti-Albumin goat polyclonal antibody及びanti-Cytokeratin 18 mouse monoclonal antibodyを使った免疫組織化学によって検出された。免疫組織化学の結果はRT-PCRによって確認された。

3.2.2 In Vivo Differentiation.
Spheres were seeded onto biodegradable scaffolds and implanted into subcutaneous of NOD/SCID mice (Charles River laboratories). After 6 weeks, the implants were harvested and fixed with 10% formaldehyde, then examined by immunocytochemistry.

3.2.2 生体内分化<訳注:目次では3.2.2 Differentiation potential in vivoとなっているので、小保方さんがいろいろと編集中であることがわかる。これを見て草稿だと気づけない頭というのもどうなのか。>
スフィアは生分解性培地上に播種し、NOD / SCIDマウス<訳注:超免疫不全マウス> (Charles River laboratories社)の皮下に移植した。 6週間後、移植片を採取し、10%ホルムアルデヒドで固定した後に免疫細胞化学によって調べられた。

3.3.1 Differentiation potential of cells in vitro
When representative bone marrow derived spheres were dissociated into single cells and exposed to three different differentiation media, the cells differentiated to express specific genes of the three lineages, Map2 (ectoderm), MyoD (mesoderm) and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP, endoderm) (Fig. 10).The addition of a neural differentiation medium to the in vitro environment of cells from bone marrow spheres, resulted in expression of pIII tubulin (a marker for neuron) (Fig. 11).
Alternatively, the addition of 20% fetal calf serum to the media resulted in the expression of markers representative of mesoderm; that is, a-smooth muscle actin (Fig. 11) as well as the mesenchymal cells, chondrocytes, osteocytes and adipocytes (Fig. 12). Thus, cells from spheres differentiated into all cell types of neural (neurons, oligodendrocytes and ghas) and mesenchymal stem cell lineage (chondrocytes, osteocytes and adipocytes). When exposed to a hepatocyte differentiation media the expression of a-fetoprotein (Fig. 11), was seen, suggestive of differentiation into endodermal tissue.

3.3 結果
3.3.1 試験管内での細胞の分化能

3.3.2 Differentiation potential in vivo.
Bone marrow spheres and ES cells were transplanted subcutaneously into immune deficient mice to examine their tumor-initiating capacity. As a result, after 6 weeks ES cells formed a tumor. Spheres did not form tumor as big as ES cells did. We concluded that the proliferative potential of sphere cells was much weaker than that of ES cells (Fig. 13).
Next, we investigated if transplanted cells differentiated in vivo after transplantation. Transplanted cells were harvested after 6 weeks, and processed for immunohistochemical analyses. According to results of immunohistochemical analyses, spheres differentiated into tissues derived from three germ layers in vivo (Fig. 14).

3.3.2 生体内分化能<訳注:目次では3.3.2 Differentiation potential of cells in vivoとなっているので、小保方さんがいろいろと編集中であることがわかる。これを見て草稿だと気づけない頭というのもどうなのか。>

3.4 Summary of section 3
♦ Spheres differentiated into cells derived from all three germ layers in vivo and in vitro

3.5 Discussion
Spheres differentiated into cells derived from three germ layers in vitro. It is yet answered that it was either differentiation or trans-differentiation. Also it is hard to refer the difference from in vitro differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells.
However, at least sphere forming cells enabled to generate various mature cells. In addition, in vivo differentiation assay proved that sphere forming cells were indeed stem cells, but distinct from ES cells in proriferative potential. The relationship between proliferative potential and differentiation potential has yet been understood. Spheres in this study showed differentiation potential which fulfill the critereia for both mesenchymal stem cells and neural stem cells. We believe that the spheres studied contain precursor cells to both mesenchymal and neural stem cells lineages.
It is important to note that cells described above, were propagated as non-adherent spheres, and are not known to exist in vivo. The in vitro behavior of cells in the spheres is likely to be very different from cells that reside in vivo. How these stem cells harbor in adult body and how they exert their potential
The spheres generated seemed to be composed of heterogenous populations of cells,with some markers expressed in some spheres, and other markers expressed in different spheres generated from cells isolated from the same tissue, at the same time. We believe that these differences also may be a function of the environment in which the cells were maintained.

3.4 第三章のまとめ
♦ スフィアは生体内および試験管内で、全三胚葉由来細胞に分化した。

3.5 討論
生成されたスフィアは、細胞の不均一な集団で構成されているようだった。同じ組織から単離された細胞から生成されていながら、同時に、いくつかのスフィアにはいくつかのマーカー発現が伴い、別のスフィアには他のマーカー発現があった。(訳注:ティシュー論文に同様の趣旨の記述がある。Spheres seemed to contain heterogeneous populations of cells, with some markers expressed in some spheres, and other markers expressed in different spheres generated from cells isolated from the same tissue, at the same time. 小保方さんはティシュー論文を下地に博論を書こうとしていることがよくわかる。)我々は、これらの違いはその中で細胞が維持されている環境の関係かなと考えている。

Figure 10 in differentiation of bone marrow spheres
After 6 weeks of culture, cells change their figurations into those of cells representative of three germ layers.

Figure 11 In vitro differentiation assay of cells from 3 germ layers.
Marrowspheres were dissociated and plated in each appropriate medium. Cells from spheres,differentiated into cells representative of the three germ layers. Neural cells (left), muscle cells (middle) cells, hepatocytes (right). Neurons stained with plll tubuline (left),. Muscle cells stained with a-smooth muscle actin (middle). Hepatocytes were stained with a-fetoprotein (right).

図10 骨髄スフィアの分化

図11 三胚葉由来細胞の試験管内分化実験。
骨髄スフィアを解離させ、それぞれ適切な培地に蒔いた。 スフィア由来細胞は三胚葉を代表する細胞に分化する。 神経細胞(左)、筋細胞(中)細胞<訳注:これもティシュー論文のの最後の方に似た以下の文章があって、それをコピペ編集しているから同じエラーが見逃されている。現代っ子の文章作法が原因。Differentiation assay from myospheres(C) into neural cells(i,ii,and iii),muscle cells(iv,v,and vi)cells,and hepatocytes(vii,viii,and ix). > ,肝細胞(右)。ニューロンはplllチューブリンで染色された(左)。筋肉細胞は平滑筋アクチンで染色された(中央)。 肝細胞はα-フェトプロテインで染色された(右)。

Figure 12 Mesenchymal lineage differentiation.
Dissociated spheres were plated into serum-containing medium and cultured for 14-21 days. Plated cells differentiated into mesenchymal lineage cells even plated cells were from spheres derived from endoderm or ectoderm tissues.
Marrow spheres differentiated into condrocytes (A), adipocytes (B) and osteocytes (C). Pnemospheres differentiated into condrocytes (D), adipocytes (E) and osteocytes (F). Spinalspheres differentiated into condrocytes (G) and adipocytes (H).

図12 間葉系統の分化。
解離したスフィアを血清含有培地に播種し、14~21日間培養した。 培養された細胞は、培養された細胞が内胚葉または外胚葉組織由来のスフィアからのものであってさえ、間葉系細胞に分化した。
骨髄スフィアは、コンドロサイト(A)、脂肪細胞(B)および骨細胞(C)に分化した。 胚スフィアはコンドロサイト(D)、脂肪細胞(E)および骨細胞(F)に分化した。 脊椎スフィアはコンドロサイト(G)と脂肪細胞(H)に分化した。<訳注:(I)が抜けている。ここでも草稿だと分かる。>

Figure 13 Teratoma forming assay
10(to the power of 7)bone marrow cells and ES cells were injected subcutaneously into immunedificienl mice.
After 6 weeks of implantation, cell masses were harvested.

Figure 14 Teratoma like mass from bone marrow spheres contained nerve expressing betalll-tubuline (left)(ectoderm), muscle expressing desmin (middle)(mesoderm) and duct like structure expressing AFP (right)(endoderm).

図13 テラトーマ形成実験

図14 骨髄スフィア由来のテラトーマ様腫瘤は、ベータⅢチューブリンを発現する神経(左)(外胚葉)、デスミンを発現する筋肉(中)(中胚葉)およびAFPを発現する管様構造(右)(内胚葉)を含んでいた。

  1. 2019/08/24(土) 22:54:44|
  2. 小保方さんの論文
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