Bidirectional developmental potential in reprogrammed cells with acquired pluripotency
Haruko Obokata,1, 2, 3,
Yoshiki Sasai,4,
Hitoshi Niwa,5,
Mitsutaka Kadota,6,
Munazah Andrabi,6,
Nozomu Takata,4,
Mikiko Tokoro,2,
Yukari Terashita,1, 2,
Shigenobu Yonemura,7,
Charles A. Vacanti3,
& Teruhiko Wakayama2, 8,
Haruko Obokata
Yoshiki Sasai
Hitoshi Niwa
Mitsutaka Kadota
Munazah Andrabi
Nozomu Takata
Mikiko Tokoro
Yukari Terashita
Shigenobu Yonemura
Charles A. Vacanti
& Teruhiko Wakayama
Journal name:
Date published:
(30 January 2014)
Published online
Retraction (July, 2014)
We recently discovered an unexpected phenomenon of somatic cell reprogramming into pluripotent cells by exposure to sublethal stimuli, which we call stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency (STAP)1. This reprogramming does not require nuclear transfer2, 3 or genetic manipulation4. Here we report that reprogrammed STAP cells, unlike embryonic stem (ES) cells, can contribute to both embryonic and placental tissues, as seen in a blastocyst injection assay. Mouse STAP cells lose the ability to contribute to the placenta as well as trophoblast marker expression on converting into ES-like stem cells by treatment with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF).
In contrast, when cultured with Fgf4, STAP cells give rise to proliferative stem cells with enhanced trophoblastic characteristics. Notably, unlike conventional trophoblast stem cells, the Fgf4-induced stem cells from STAP cells contribute to both embryonic and placental tissues in vivo and transform into ES-like cells when cultured with LIF-containing medium. Taken together, the developmental potential of STAP cells, shown by chimaera formation and in vitro cell conversion, indicates that they represent a unique state of pluripotency.
We recently discovered an intriguing phenomenon of cellular fate conversion: somatic cells regain pluripotency after experiencing sublethal stimuli such as a low-pH exposure. When splenic CD45+ lymphocytes are exposed to pH 5.7 for 30 min and subsequently cultured in the presence of LIF, a substantial portion of surviving cells start to express the pluripotent cell marker Oct4 (also called Pou5f1) at day 2. By day 7, pluripotent cell clusters form with a bona fide pluripotency marker profile and acquire the competence for three-germ-layer differentiation as shown by teratoma formation. These STAP cells can also efficiently contribute to chimaeric mice and undergo germline transmission using a blastocyst injection assay.
Although these characteristics resemble those of ES cells, STAP cells seem to differ from ES cells in their limited capacity for self-renewal (typically, for only a few passages) and in their vulnerability to dissociation. However, when cultured in the presence of ACTH and LIF for 7 days, STAP cells, at a moderate frequency, further convert into pluripotent ‘stem’ cells that robustly proliferate (STAP stem cells).
これらの特性は、ES細胞のものに似ているが、STAP細胞は、自己増殖能が弱い点と(典型的にはわずか数継代)、解離脆弱性において、ES細胞と異なっているように見える。 しかし、7日間ACTHおよびLIFの存在下で培養されると、STAP細胞は、かなりの頻度で、さらに、確実に増殖する多能性幹細胞(STAP幹細胞)になる。
Here we have investigated the unique nature of STAP cells, focusing on their differentiation potential into the two major categories (embryonic and placental lineages) of cells in the blastocyst. We became particularly interested in this question after a blastocyst injection assay revealed an unexpected finding. In general, progeny of injected ES cells are found in the embryonic portion of the chimaera, but rarely in the placental portion (Fig. 1a; shown with Rosa26-GFP). Surprisingly, injected STAP cells contributed not only to the embryo but also to the placenta and fetal membranes (Fig. 1b and Extended Data Fig. 1a–c) in 60% of the chimaeric embryos (Fig. 1c).
Figure 1: STAP cells contribute to both embryonic and placental tissues in vivo.

a, b, E12.5 embryos from blastocysts injected with ES cells (a) and STAP cells (b). Both cells are genetically labelled with GFP driven by a constitutive promoter. Progeny of STAP cells also contributed to placental tissues and fetal membranes (b), whereas ES-cell-derived cells were not found in these tissues (a). Scale bar, 5.0 mm. c, Percentages of fetuses in which injected cells contributed only to the embryonic portion (red) or also to placental and yolk sac tissues (blue). ***P < 0.001 with Fisher’s exact test. d, qPCR analysis of FACS-sorted Oct4-GFP-strong STAP cells for pluripotent marker genes (left) and trophoblast marker genes (right). Values are shown as ratio to the expression level in ES cells. Error bars represent s.d.
e, Contribution to placental tissues. Unlike parental STAP cells and trophoblast stem (TS) cells, STAP stem cells (STAP-SCs) did not retain the ability for placental contributions. Three independent lines were tested and all showed substantial contributions to the embryonic portions. f, qPCR analysis of trophoblast marker gene expression in STAP stem cells. Error bars represent s.d.
a, b,ES細胞(a)およびSTAP細胞(b)を注入後の胚盤胞からのE12.5胚。どちらの細胞も、遺伝子操作により、構成的プロモーターで駆動されるGFP標識されている。 ES細胞由来の細胞はこれらの組織で検出されなかったのに対し(a)、STAP細胞の所産はまた、胎盤組織および胎児の膜(b)に貢献した。スケールバー、5.0 mm。 c, 注入された細胞が胚部分(赤)にのみ貢献したか、或いは胎盤と卵黄嚢組織(青)にも貢献しているかの胎児のパーセンテージ 。*** フィッシャーの正確確率検定P値<0.001。 d, 多能性マーカー遺伝子(左)と栄養膜マーカー遺伝子(右)に関する、FACSソートしたOct4-GFP-強発現STAP細胞の定量PCR分析。値はES細胞における発現レベルに対する比として示している。エラーバーは±標準偏差を表す。<訳注 s.d.=standard deviation>
e, 胎盤組織への貢献。親のSTAP細胞と栄養膜幹(TS)細胞とは異なり、STAP幹細胞(STAP-SCs)は、胎盤貢献能を保持していなかった。三つの独立した系統を試験し、すべて胚の部分には多大な貢献を示した。 f,STAP幹細胞の栄養膜マーカー遺伝子発現の定量PCR分析。エラーバーは±標準偏差を表す。
In quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis, STAP cells (sorted for strong Oct4-GFP signals) expressed not only pluripotency marker genes but also trophoblast marker genes such as Cdx2 (Fig. 1d and Supplementary Table 1 for primers), unlike ES cells. Therefore, the blastocyst injection result is not easily explained by the idea that STAP cells are composed of a simple mixture of pluripotent cells (Oct4+Cdx2-) and trophoblast-stem-like cells (Oct4-Cdx2+).
In contrast to STAP cells, STAP stem cells did not show the ability to contribute to placental tissues (Fig. 1e, lanes 2–4), indicating that the derivation of STAP stem cells from STAP cells involves the loss of competence to differentiate into placental lineages. Consistent with this idea, STAP stem cells show little expression of trophoblast marker genes (Fig. 1f).
定量ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(qPCR)分析では、(Oct4-GFPシグナル強発現選別された)STAP細胞はES細胞とは異なり、多能性マーカー遺伝子だけでなく、Cdx2のような栄養膜マーカー遺伝子(図1dおよびプライマーのための補足表1)を発現した。したがって、胚盤胞注入結果は、STAP細胞が、多能性細胞(Oct4+ Cdx2-)と栄養膜幹細胞様細胞(Oct4-Cdx2+)との単純な混合で構成されているという考えでは容易に説明されない
STAP細胞とは対照的に、STAP幹細胞は、胎盤組織に貢献する能力を示さなかった(図1e 2-4レーン)。このことはSTAP細胞からSTAP幹細胞への誘導は、胎盤関連への分化能の喪失を伴うことを示している。その証拠にSTAP幹細胞は栄養膜マーカー遺伝子をほとんど発現しない(図1f)。
We next examined whether an alteration in culture conditions could induce in vitro conversion of STAP cells into cells similar to trophoblast stem cells, which can be derived from blastocysts during prolonged adhesion culture in the presence of Fgf4. When we cultured STAP cell clusters under similar conditions (Fig. 2a; one cluster per well in a 96-well plate), flat cell colonies grew out by days 7–10 (Fig. 2b, left; typically in ~30% of wells). The Fgf4-induced cells strongly expressed the trophoblast marker proteins integrin α7 (Itga7) and eomesodermin (Eomes) (Fig. 2c, d) and marker genes (for example, Cdx2; Fig. 2e).
我々は、次に、培養条件の変更で、STAP細胞から栄養膜幹細胞に似た細胞への試験管内変換を誘導できるかどうかを調べた。栄養膜幹細胞はFgf4の存在下で長期接着培養中の胚盤胞から誘導することができる。同様の条件下でSTAP細胞塊を培養した場合(図2a、96ウェルプレートにおけるウェルあたり1クラスタ)、7日から10日までの間に扁平な細胞コロニーが成長してきた(図2b、左:典型的には、ウェルの30%内 )。Fgf4誘導細胞は栄養膜マーカー蛋白質であるインテグリンα7(Itga7)とエオメソダミン(Eomes)(図2c,d)及びマーカー遺伝子(たとえばCdx2;図2e)を強く発現した。
- 2019/05/14(火) 08:41:25|
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